Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Goodwill is so GOOD to me....

I found these pieces at Goodwill a few days ago. Me and the girls just stopped in to kill some time. I made a beeline for the furniture section. They don't usually have nice furniture or if they do it's usually priced too high. I saw these and the price was right! But... I was there just to kill some time, not spend money. So, I hovered over them going back and forth and looking and telling myself I didn't need to spend the money. Finally I talked myself into buying them. Big surprise.
The headboard was $10 and I had been looking for one to paint and sell. It was perfect!

The table was $20. Yes, I said $20!! I have been looking for this exact table for several years. I'm pretty sure it's solid oak and it was only $20!! How could I pass that up? Well, I couldn't.

When the weather cools off {The Dallas/Ft.Worth area has had 64 days of 100+ weather. Fun.} I have big plans for these two.

(I'll get a better picture of the table when I quit being lazy and get it out of the back of my mini-van)

Monday, August 15, 2011

Goodwill Goodies... and some other goodies

I spent a little time in my favorite place today....


 I saw this old purse. I think it's kind of cool. It's very roomy. I'm just not sure if I'm 'hip' enough to pull it off.

 Frames! If we ever when we sell our house and move, I plan to spray paint a lot of my frames that I've been collecting and put them on a wall. Some will have pictures and some will be empty. The oval one is a small mirror.. I'm thinking turquoise with a little distressing and stain. Maybe I'll do a wall of mirrors too!

A pair of shorts for Ethan. School starts pretty soon so we can't have too many shorts.

I put this cute little metal basket in my basket because I wasn't sure I wanted to buy it. I only wanted to spend about $10. We have a punch card for every $10 you spend and after spending $100. you get $10 of free stuff. I decided to keep it. At first I thought it would be cute with a few little potted plants in it. Then I remembered I needed something in the shower to keep all my little bottles from falling all over the place. It's perfect!!
{It has a handle, but I took it off for now... this cute little metal basket will probably hold something else one of these days and I might want the handle then.}

 Another view.
{sorry about the yellow-ish color.. no flash}

So, there you have my goodwill goodies.
Total spent... $11.84!

....and now, here is something I'm working on

It kind of looks like a robot sitting on the steps. {I think I've been exposed to too many transformer toys this summer.} It's really too hot here in Texas  to work on it, but I just couldn't resist spraying some paint on it to see what it looked like. Hopefully I'll have a post on this table and two chairs coming soon.

And now for the
Cutest Baby In The Whole World

My grandson.
We were hangin' out on the floor and I snapped this pic
so I thought I'd share.

Monday, August 1, 2011

Recycled Coasters

Aren't these coasters lovely?
I've been wanting a set of coasters and I found these at Goodwill.

Guess how much they cost?

I got the Mod Podge, some scrapbooking paper and the white spray paint...

{The white spray paint on the holder didn't look very good and I didn't want to
do a lot of sanding and re-painting so I decided not to use it. I probably wouldn't
have put them in the holder anyway because they look so cute on my sidetables.}