Wednesday, August 26, 2009


It's peaceful here today with no kids........... finally~
How do you like my chippy cat? He was in some of my mother's things. He's pretty sad-looking, but I like him anyway.
Have a peaceful day....


  1. I LIKE that cat! Then again never met one I didn't like! LOL

  2. Actually, I am not a cat lover---but, he sure is CUTE!!! (chips and all). xo..deb

  3. Adore the chippy cat! Ahh yes it is easier to get things done when the kids are in school. Thank you for your sweet comment on my blog, so happy you found it! and loved the part about why can't we find bloggers where we live to hang out! those are my thoughts too! Thank goodness for the internet! Here's to many lattes spent reading your blog!
    P.S. I already checked out your etsy site! Absolutely beautiful!! And you may not know yet but I am a jewelry gal!!! :)
