Friday, October 30, 2009

Ruby Slippers... there's no place like home, there's no place like home, there's no place like home...

One of my daughters decided to be Dorothy from the Wizard of Oz for Halloween this year. She found the costume, but it didn't come with ruby slippers and we didn't have any laying around the house so we got inventive. We went to Goodwill (one of my fave places) and found a pair of white, not very pretty pumps in almost her size (a tiny bit big.) They were about $4... bargain. I told her we would just spray paint them and she looked at me like I was crazy. I'm thinking, "come on Lydia, I've been your mother for almost 15 years... I'm crafty... hello!?" So anyway, I spray painted them and they turned out perfect. (Sorry, I forgot to get a before picture when they were still white.)

We bought glitter and she had glue and a paint brush. She just painted the glue on....

Then sprinkled the glitter on....

And wa-la...
ruby slippers!

She got artistic with the left over glitter

Here are my babies at our church fall festival... all dressed up.

hApPY haLLoWeEn


  1. So, so cute!! My daughter went as Dorthy too. You have beautiful girls.

  2. Love those Ruby Slippers! Y'all did a great job! Your children are so cute!
