Friday, December 4, 2009

Peace and Happiness and bakin' cookies

I'm busy, busy, busy today. Cleaning, shopping, putting the rest of the lights on the tree, making my FAMOUS Christmas cookies, wrapping presents, picking up kids from school... very busy.
But... I had to take a few minutes to blog and say hi and I wish everyone
this holiday season. I'm off to make my cookies....


  1. Hi Lora, I'm so glad you found me. Thank you for leaving a comment on both of the blogs! But I'm really, really glad you found adayinthelife..., because that is where my heart is. There are several of us, so I'm so glad you joined in! Feel free to email if there is ever anything personal you would need to share.
    Blessings and hope to hear from you again soon!

  2. Found you on Deb's Bible Study! Yeah! I live in Texas, too. Near McKinney. So glad to meet you. Be sure and take pics of your cookies. You know recipes would be nice too! LOL!

  3. Thanks for stopping by my Backyard Candle blog! I'm off to read more of yours, and check out your etsy goodies! Oh, I am officially a follower too! Have a great weekend!

  4. Debra... thank you. I may be emailing you soon :O)

    Lisa... Yay for Texas girls! I'll try to put the cookies on the blog soon... recipe and all.

    T... I LOVE candles!!! I'm so envious of you!

  5. Hope you are having many more happy, peaceful baking days!!
