Monday, October 25, 2010

New earrings and a necklace

I made this necklace last night around midnight. It took about an hour. While I was making it my 15 year old daughter sat at the table with me for part of the time and talked to me about a certain boy. It was nice. It's nice that she talks to me about things.  

I think I'll call this necklace
young love

I've really enjoyed working with bead caps lately. For some reason I never really used them in my jewelry designs, but after seeing some really beautiful pieces on etsy I decided to start using them in my pieces....

Here are some earrings I've made in the past few weeks. I'm planning on showing them around and hoping to sell them all!
I think they'd make really nice Christmas gifts and I've priced them all at just $10!!

Have a great week~

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